About This Course
The Electricity and Workplace Safety Heath and Safety regulatory frameworks
stipulate, inter alia, the need for an electrical installation to comply with the
SS638 requirements, and a temporary low voltage electrical installation in
construction and building sites, trade-fairs, mini-fairs and exhibition sites as
well as for festive lightings, the SS650 requirements. Designers, engineers and
technical executives who are required to deal with any electrical installation
will need to have in-depth knowledge of the SS638, SS650 and Regulations so
that the electrical installation is safe to use. The Regulator can take the
responsible party to task for non-compliance.
This short course is structured to introduce participants to the regulatory
environment, the design principles and specifications for an electrical
installation in compliance with SS638, SS650 and Regulations, with emphasis
on small electrical installations. Aside the inspection and testing of electrical
installations in customer premises, SS638 requirements for specific location,
PTW system and competent person who could be dealing with a small electrical
installation but appointed by an authorised high voltage switching engineer to
carry out work on a high voltage apparatus requirements under the
Regulations are also covered.
The course is conducted through lectures. Practical hands-on sessions are
carried out in class to enhance the learning experience.
Session 1 (1/2 day)
- Relevant Act and Regulations
- Duties and responsibilities of LEW
- Competent persons in high voltage electrical work and PTW system
Session 2 (1/2day)
- Wiring circuit design requirements
- Selection of conductor sizes
Session 3 (1/2 Day)
- Earthing systems and requirements
- Selection of protective conductors for earthing and bonding
- Shock protection and design requirements
Session 4 (1/2 Day)
- Electrical installation requirements for specific location
- Temporary supply
- Inspection and testing
Er. Nicholas Lee Poh Choo
PEng, BEng (Electrical), Consultant, Carlo Solutions
Er Lee has had more than 40 years’ experience in the public utility sector, holding several senior positions when he worked in SP Power Grid. He was involved in the predictive and conditioned based maintenance to improve network reliability and power quality in the power distribution network. Er Lee is experienced in the operation of power generators as well as planning, development and management of electrical transmission and distribution networks.
He had carried out consultancy works for utility companies in India, China, South Africa and the Middle East. Er Lee obtained his degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Singapore in 1972
Mr. HC Lim
BEng (EE) , MSc ( IE) , LLB (Hons) , BSc (Economics) Hons, P.Eng, C.Eng, Sr MIES, MIET, ACS, ACG is Principal Consultant of Pinnacle Engineering and Management Consultancy, a translator , an advisor for parties in adjudication as well as a certified ACTA trainer and assessor .
Mr. Lim also holds DipBA, SDipECT, SDipFMA, ADipMD, CDipAF and GCIA.
In dispute resolution aspect, he is a SOP accredited adjudicator, a fellow of the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators and an accredited mediator of SISV Panel of Mediators. He was Director (Contracts) of the Network Development Division, SP PowerGrid before venturing into training and management consultancy services.
He has had more than 30 years experience in the transmission and distribution network development, operations and maintenance, street lighting operations, management of safety and security units and support services for the company’s operation.
The course will be useful to Technical Executives, Supervisors, Project
Managers, Project Coordinators, Contract Administrators, Architects, Quantity
Surveyors, Company Directors, Developers, Safety Practitioners, LEWs Professional
Engineers and Engineers who need to deal with electrical installation work
activities in their work.
Group discount: Sign up 3 pax
to enjoy 10% discount
- Refreshment and Bento lunch will be provided
- E-certificate of attendance will be given to al l participants.
CPD Points
PEB Points – Pending
Company Sponsored:
SSG Baseline Funding is available for this course, $2/hr. Eligible applicant only pays the balance of course fee after SSG course fee support.
Self Sponsored:
Self Sponsored individual can offset with skillsfuture credit.
Learning Objectives
Course categories
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